Child Support

In Family law, child support is an ongoing payment made by a parent for the financial benefit of the child. Child support is often arranged as a part of a divorce and is based upon our Florida Child Support Guidelines and the net income of both parents. Most people are aware that Child support is determined by the amount the payee (The parent paying child support) earns. However, many people are not aware that child support can be reduced and/or modified.
How does the amount of Child Support get Calculated?
Child support calculations are based off of various factors that have to do with both the child and the parents. The court will most likely consider the age of the child, medical needs, and characteristics. From the parent they will consider the income level, education, and financial background of both parents.
Can the Amount of Child Support Be Modified?
Yes, as long as you file for a child support modification with the court. With this document there needs to be a justifiable reason as to why the monthly amount should be raised or lowered.